2.11.10 Launch Point 0 Comments

Build Bridges is the latest song from Launch Point. Just made available through iTunes.

A song all about taking responsibility for your own life, and actions. Don't make excuses for your short comings. It's easy to get down and angry at someone or something because it didn't go the way you wanted it to. Know that you had a hand in the overall outcome. A situation is presented to you, and the way you react to it will give you your outcome.

There was an earthquake in California and it knockout the main freeway, so people had to take the side streets to get anywhere. Since the traffic was at a standstill News reporters were walking up to people who were in their cars and asking what they thought of the gridlock. The first guy they interviewed said he hated Cali. First there were fires, now this? I hate it. The News crew proceeded to the next car and asks the next guy what he thought. He said this is great, I have a book on tape, I'm learning a new language, I have some food, and I left my house at 5:30am there's not much more my boss can ask of me.

Same situation and two very different perspectives. A wise man once said that "There are no failures, only education for the next success".

Build Bridges is the latest song from Launch Point . Just made available through iTunes . A song all about taking responsibility for your o...