Take Me Home Tonight

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So much is happening... Where to begin?

A new Launch Point album is under way! The writing process is going strong, been meeting with possible Producers, Mixing & Mastering Engineers. Finding great locations to record, and meeting new faces amongst the LP Crew, lending their stories for inspiration.

Been also working with an exciting new Artist: "Tristyn". Her record is about to take over the world.

We have a new addition to the Launch Point family. Kevin Full is our new drummer. He's based out of Las Vegas and you can check him out on YouTube under SnareGuy17. We'll get an interview with him up soon so you can welcome him to our community. He's good people, and he can lay it down.

Plus new site coming, merch packages, contests, and rarities for you to enjoy. Plus! we will be adding an application for you to refer friends to join the revolution. So for every referral you get, you'll receive a free song & be up for a prizes & giveaways. Exciting stuff I know. See you soon.

So much is happening... Where to begin? A new Launch Point album is under way! The writing process is going strong, been meeting with possi...


We have got so much going on right now with the New Album being written, ReMixes being recorded and Shows underway... But we need your help! Here's your chance to join the 2010 Grammy Ballot winning, Launch Point. Drummer's, Guitarist's, and DJ's if got skill, we want you to try out.

Audition via YouTube: Download the music and score, video your performance, then send us your link. info@launchpointmusic.com

If we like what we hear and see, we'll send you an application (just to get your background & goals as a musician), then fly you out to Austin to meet in person and see if you're a good fit. It's that simple.

Good luck to everyone and we'll see ya soon.

Song 1: 'Unspoken' - MP3 / Score (Play)
Song 2: 'New Light' - MP3 (Play & Solo after the song)

Song 1: 'Unspoken' - MP3 / Score (Play)
Song 2: 'Revert' - MP3 / Score (Play & Solo at end of the song)

DJ's / Keyboardist:
Just want to see your skills. You can either add to and perform over the MP3's or freestyle.

We have got so much going on right now with the New Album being written, ReMixes being recorded and Shows underway... But we need your help!...


A chance to Record with Travis Barker from Blink 182, has been presented to us. It is a Contest of Voting by Friends and Fans So We need your help. Click The link below.

On the Page check at the Standings and look for Launch Point and rate with 3 thumbs up. Then you can also listen and compare each song and vote for LP to the top.

A chance to Record with Travis Barker from Blink 182, has been presented to us. It is a Contest of Voting by Friends and Fans So We need you...


A new EP simply titled “100% Organic” is a collection of Launch Point songs performed by non-electric instruments. Before you sigh, and think it’s just another “acoustic” or “unplugged” type album, think again. There are acoustic guitars throughout, but all of the rest of the instrumentation will be done by world and symphonic instruments. Plus they are not necessarily played in their traditional form.

This will be a limited release and will be accompanied with a limited edition shirt. "100% Organic" is due out this Spring 2011.

I am excited to share this with you soon and more details are on the way.

A new EP simply titled “ 100% Organic ” is a collection of Launch Point songs performed by non-electric instruments. Before you sigh, and th...


Since it's the Holidays, Launch Point is extending the, "From Where To There" Promotion, by letting anyone download the their debut album for free. This will be the last time this offer will be up, so take advantage and tell anyone you think may be interested.

Thanks for all the support. We have some exciting things developing in 2011, and can't wait to share it with you. Have a great Holiday and we'll see you soon.

Since it's the Holidays, Launch Point is extending the, "From Where To There" Promotion, by letting anyone download the their ...


Due to the fact that Neil Young has taken my spot for Best Rock Performance & Best Rock Song on the Grammy ballot, and has beaten some of my favorite artist as well, like Dave Matthews Band, Deftones, Weezer, and 30 Seconds to Mars, we are celebrating anyway, by giving away the Debut album of Launch Point: 'From Where to There. Starting Friday Dec 3, 2010 12:00pm (central), each song will be available to download for free from the Launch Point website. The page will then close Sunday Dec 5, 2010 11:59pm So Here is your chance to legally download music from the band themselves. Tell your friends, family, and anybody open to new music. Thanks for all the support.

Due to the fact that Neil Young has taken my spot for Best Rock Performance & Best Rock Song on the Grammy ballot, and has beaten some o...